
How business works!

A business game for the business basics


Take a look at the wheels that make a business tick, and finally understand the data contained in financial statements (e.g. profit and loss calculations, cash flow and the balance sheet). That’s the guaranteed outcome of Company. Company is a board game that requires teams to manage a manufacturing operation and compete for market share. In groups, the participants devise strategic improvements for their companies (in the areas of R&D, quality, marketing, process optimization, etc.) They visualize their decisions in the simulation, and they see the effects on their financial statements and in the financial data, such as profitability, cash flow and liquidity.

Target group

  • For staff in companies who want to think and operate across departments.
  • For anyone who wants to refresh or upgrade their business management skills.
  • Covers the practical basics for those with no prior knowledge of business management.
  • For anyone who enjoys learning about organizational complexity.

Seminar length: 2 days

8-16 participants


  • Interpreting business processes in financial statements.
  • Basic understanding of business accounting.
  • Dealing with key financial data, such as: ROI, cash flow, profitability.
  • Improving corporate communication.
  • Updating or strengthening business management knowledge.

Skills learned

The seminar develops the following skills:

Business management skills: 99%
Corporate communication: 76%
Interpreting financial data: 85%
Dealing with complexity: 70%



HBS Berlin

Cantianstraße 11,

10437 Berlin


Tel: +49 (30) 22 43 85 16

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Meinungen von Teilnehmern:

  • I’d like to take a chance and thank you for the well-organized session-training on Project Management. We also were very fascinated with your movie at the end of our program. That was so perfect and emotional.
    Tural NabizadePASHA Bank
  • Vielen Dank für dieses hammer Training. Mir hat es noch mal so geholfen, meinen Bereich zu scannen, wie ich arbeite, was ich falsch mache (= Gemacht habe) ... aber vor allem, wie es gut Richtung Zukunft weitergeht!

  • Thank you for this opportunity to learn in a safe environment. The TOPSIM simulation is a great tool to try out different strategies and play out different ideas. Thank you for your guidance and gently steering us to the right direction. It`s been an invaluable expirience.

    Irina Yashkova & Michael YurinMoscow EMBA-23
  • A great, fantastic expirience. Absolutly like in real life

    Tatiana Gaiday
  • Deine Art und Weise hilft jedem sich aktiv zu beteiligen. Du hast auch eine Gabe, Dinge zu erkennen und zu analysieren. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht

  • Dein Seminar war wirklich spitze! Ich habe so viel gelernt und daraus mitgenommen! Einfach super!!!

    Laura VadderStudentin an der Universität Passau