Project Master

A project on water

A business game for project management


Playfully master practice

Project.Master is an interactive business game that requires project teams to build a real boat with a steam engine. The participants analyze the task in their group and then formulate a successful project launch in a kickoff workshop. Using modern project management tools, they analyze the project environment – taking into account all the stakeholders. They also devise a work breakdown structure and define the project goals. Practical controlling instruments are used during the building of the boat to maintain oversight of the project’s progress. The finished boat and the project performance are evaluated in-depth, and the potential for future improvement is identified.

Something for everyone

  • For companies and organizations that want to develop a general understanding of project management.
  • For staff requiring a framework to guide future projects.
  • For staff planning to undertake a project directly after the seminar.
  • Seminar length: 2 days // 8-16 participants


  • Devising a work breakdown structure and model to map the project phases.
  • Using planning tools (creative techniques, cost and resource plans, work breakdown structure).
  • Dealing with project risks.
  • Project controlling and visualization.
  • Project communication
  • Improving the team structure.
  • Defining project roles – also across departments.

Skills learned

The seminar develops the following skills:

Teamwork: 65%
Strategic planning: 78%
Project satisfaction: 95%
Defining project goals: 85%



HBS Berlin

Cantianstraße 11,

10437 Berlin


Tel: +49 (30) 22 43 85 16

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Meinungen von Teilnehmern:

  • Great game, fun Teambuilding opportunity. We learned strategy from real competetive environment.

  • Thank you for this opportunity to learn in a safe environment. The TOPSIM simulation is a great tool to try out different strategies and play out different ideas. Thank you for your guidance and gently steering us to the right direction. It`s been an invaluable expirience.

    Irina Yashkova & Michael YurinMoscow EMBA-23
  • Dein Seminar war wirklich spitze! Ich habe so viel gelernt und daraus mitgenommen! Einfach super!!!

    Laura VadderStudentin an der Universität Passau
  • Deine Art und Weise hilft jedem sich aktiv zu beteiligen. Du hast auch eine Gabe, Dinge zu erkennen und zu analysieren. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht

  • I’d like to take a chance and thank you for the well-organized session-training on Project Management. We also were very fascinated with your movie at the end of our program. That was so perfect and emotional.
    Tural NabizadePASHA Bank
  • A great, fantastic expirience. Absolutly like in real life

    Tatiana Gaiday