Team Management Systems

For a balanced team

Interactive seminar to enhance project team performance


A central task facing project-oriented organizations is to develop well-balanced, high-performance teams that can reach their goals and independently resolve conflicts. The Team Management Systems (TMS) developed by Margerison-McCann is a highly effective instrument for team leadership. Using three wheels – the work function wheel, the role preference wheel and the linking skills wheel – it covers all the areas of team management. We carry out several exercises based on the model to put together a team management system for your organization. Which work roles does the project involve? What are the role preferences according to the TMS? What are team roles and how is the optimal team comprised? We also explore group dynamics and discuss the tasks of a project manager in regard to team building.

Target group

  • For companies and organizations requiring high-performance teams to work on a project-oriented basis.
  • For companies and organizations who want to optimize the performance of their project teams.
  • For anyone interested in optimizing his or her project performance

Seminar length: 1 day

2 – 12 participants


  • Project planning under time pressure.
  • Dealing with project obstacles.
  • Project controlling and visualization.
  • Project communication
  • Project role clarity
  • Team building
  • Systematic analysis of the role preferences in project management.
  • Visualizing the work preferences of team members.
  • Identifying the team profile, understanding the opportunities and risks.
  • Applying linking skills to project leadership.
  • Prevention of team conflict.

Skills learned

The seminar develops the following skills:

Leadership skills: 75%
Pragmatic team enhancement: 90%
Understanding team members: 78%



HBS Berlin

Cantianstraße 11,

10437 Berlin


Tel: +49 (30) 22 43 85 16


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Meinungen von Teilnehmern:

  • Deine Art und Weise hilft jedem sich aktiv zu beteiligen. Du hast auch eine Gabe, Dinge zu erkennen und zu analysieren. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht

  • Vielen Dank für dieses hammer Training. Mir hat es noch mal so geholfen, meinen Bereich zu scannen, wie ich arbeite, was ich falsch mache (= Gemacht habe) ... aber vor allem, wie es gut Richtung Zukunft weitergeht!

  • Thanks very much for extremely useful program over these two days I have learned more about working in team then in the last couple of years...
    Alexander SvinovDecision Maker
  • Thank you for this opportunity to learn in a safe environment. The TOPSIM simulation is a great tool to try out different strategies and play out different ideas. Thank you for your guidance and gently steering us to the right direction. It`s been an invaluable expirience.

    Irina Yashkova & Michael YurinMoscow EMBA-23
  • Great game, fun Teambuilding opportunity. We learned strategy from real competetive environment.

  • I’d like to take a chance and thank you for the well-organized session-training on Project Management. We also were very fascinated with your movie at the end of our program. That was so perfect and emotional.
    Tural NabizadePASHA Bank