Strength Finder

Talent x Investment = Strength

A workshop for personal growth and team development


 Participants in STRENGTH FINDER embark on a search for their strong points. The workshop begins with the misleading maxim that, “work hard and you can have whatever it is you want.” Personal and professional strengths actually result more from a combination of talent and investment. The workshop methodically filters out individual strengths. With the aid of questionnaires, self-reflection and discussions, the participants learn how to distinguish between acquired skills and talents, and how to understand and utilize the strengths and talents of others.

Target group

Something for everyone

  • For companies and organizations that need a strength-oriented leadership culture.
  • For anyone interested in self-improvement, who wants to systematically boost his or her career prospects.
  • For managers who want to improve their team performance.

Seminar length: 1 day

1-12 participants


  • Guidelines for developing personal strengths.
  • Improved team understanding.
  • Highlighting five major strengths of each individual, paving the way to a high performance team.

Based on the philosophy that, “we should pay more attention to building a person’s strengths than fixing their weaknesses.”

Skills learned

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung werden die folgenden Fähigkeiten vermittelt:
Individual development: 98%
Team developmen: 76%
Team building: 85%



HBS Berlin

Cantianstraße 11,

10437 Berlin


Tel: +49 (30) 22 43 85 16

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  • Thanks very much for extremely useful program over these two days I have learned more about working in team then in the last couple of years...
    Alexander SvinovDecision Maker
  • Thank you for this opportunity to learn in a safe environment. The TOPSIM simulation is a great tool to try out different strategies and play out different ideas. Thank you for your guidance and gently steering us to the right direction. It`s been an invaluable expirience.

    Irina Yashkova & Michael YurinMoscow EMBA-23
  • Dein Seminar war wirklich spitze! Ich habe so viel gelernt und daraus mitgenommen! Einfach super!!!

    Laura VadderStudentin an der Universität Passau
  • Deine Art und Weise hilft jedem sich aktiv zu beteiligen. Du hast auch eine Gabe, Dinge zu erkennen und zu analysieren. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht

  • A great, fantastic expirience. Absolutly like in real life

    Tatiana Gaiday
  • Vielen Dank für dieses hammer Training. Mir hat es noch mal so geholfen, meinen Bereich zu scannen, wie ich arbeite, was ich falsch mache (= Gemacht habe) ... aber vor allem, wie es gut Richtung Zukunft weitergeht!
